In my previous post, I talked about the exploration/exploitation dilemma in optimization, and then defined an algorithm that seeks to resolve it. The algorithm described in that post was a variation of neighborhood search and hill climbing methods. The amount of time it spends looking for improvements in the “neighborhood” of a given solution is a direct function of the magnitude of improvement that a current best solution demonstrates over the previous best.

Large improvements cause the algorithm to remain in the current best solution’s neighborhood for significant lengths of time. While this is a good thing if the neighborhood is rich in potential improvements, it presents a problem if the neighborhood turns out to be sparse in improving solutions.

To counter this, I outline another, far more exploratory, numerical optimization algorithm. This algorithm symetrically interleaves its exploration and exploitation steps, dividing its time equally betweem searching the neighborhood of the current global best, and searching the global solution space in a purely random pattern.

After initially evaluating a solution at random and setting its score as the global best, the algorithm evaluates another solution in the global best’s neighborhood. If this solution’s score is better than that of the global best, it becomes the new global best, otherwise the optimizer tries a protential solution chosen at random from the entire search space. If this solution is better than global best, it becomes the global best and the search resumes from its neighborhood, otherwise the search returns to the current global best’s neighborhood to try another solution at random.

In this way, on every other step, the algorithm bounces between searching the whole space randomly and a much more focussed search in the global best’s neighborhood.

The algorithm was designed to optimize machine learning model parameters, but it can be applied to any numerical optimization problem.

Below is an outline of the algorithm, and below that is a Python implementation of the algorithm tuning the parameters of a LightGBM prediction model.

Interleaved Neighborhood Algorithm

 evaluate random solution rs

 set var global_best to rs score 
 set var best_parameters to rs parameters
 set var horizon to "local"

 while true do
       if horizon = "local"
          neighborhood solution ns = gaussian distr(mean = best_parameters, deviation = random(0.1...1.0))
          if ns better than global_best
             set var global_best to ns score 
             set var best_parameters to ns parameters
             set var horizon to "global"
           evaluate global random solution gs
           if gs score better than global_best
              set var global_best to gs score 
              set var best_parameters to gs parameters
              set var horizon to "local"
              set var horizon to "local"


Optimizing A LightGBM Machine Learning Model

The Python code below uses the Interleaved Neighborhood Algorithm to search through the space of parameters of a LightGBM machine learning model. The model is trained on, and used to make predictions about, the Kaggle Iowa housing dataset.

LightGBM is a gradient boosting framework with a large number of parameters, each of which can take a huge range of values. This makes parameter optimization a nontrivial problem. For simplicity, the demonstration below uses only a few of the dozens of model parameters available for tuning.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from random import randrange, uniform, gauss
import clevercsv

#Read datasets into memory
complete_train = pd.read_csv(
    encoding = "UTF-8", 
    index_col = "Id")

complete_test = pd.read_csv(
    encoding = "UTF-8",
    index_col = "Id")

#Seperate predictors from target variable
X = complete_train.drop(
    columns = "SalePrice")

y = complete_train[

#Encode categoricals and impute missing data
def encode_impute(*datasets):
    for dataset in datasets:
        for column in dataset.columns:
                inplace = True)
            if dataset[
                column].dtype ==  "object":
                    column] = dataset[
                    column].astype("category", copy = False)


#Create validation set
X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X, y)

#Model evaluation
def model_check(parameters):
    local_copy ={
        key:value for key,value in parameters.items()}
    model = LGBMRegressor().set_params(**local_copy), y_train)
    prediction = model.predict(X_valid)
    error_rate = mean_absolute_error(y_valid, prediction)
    return {"score": error_rate, "parameters": parameters}

#Parameter generation
def param_gen():
    k = randrange(10000)
    parameters = {
       "boosting_type": "dart",
       "n_estimators": k,
       "num_leaves": randrange(round(k/3 * 2)),
       "learning_rate": uniform(0.01, 1)}
    return parameters

#square_neighborhood algorithm
def interleaved_neighborhood():
    initialize = model_check(param_gen())
    global_best = {
        "score": initialize["score"], 
        "parameters": initialize["parameters"]}
    with open(
        "values.csv", "a", encoding = "UTF-8") as valuefile:
        values = clevercsv.writer(valuefile)
    horizon = "local"
    while True:
            if horizon == "local":
                perturb = {
                    key:abs(gauss(value, uniform(0.1, 2.0))) 
                    if type(value) != str 
                    else value for key,value 
                    in global_best["parameters"].items()}
                rounded = {
                    if key in ["n_estimators", "num_leaves"]
                    else value for key,value in perturb.items()}
                local_solution = model_check(rounded)
                if local_solution["score"] < global_best["score"]:
                    with open(
                        "values.csv", "a", encoding = "UTF-8") as valuefile:
                        values = clevercsv.writer(valuefile)
                    global_best["score"] = local_solution["score"]
                    global_best["parameters"] = local_solution["parameters"]
                    horizon = "global"
                random_solution = model_check(param_gen())
                if random_solution["score"] < global_best["score"]:
                    with open(
                        "values.csv", "a", encoding = "UTF-8") as valuefile:
                        values = clevercsv.writer(valuefile)
                    global_best["score"] = random_solution["score"]
                    global_best["parameters"] = random_solution["parameters"]
                    horizon = "local"
                    horizon = "local"
        except Exception as error:




Full code repo available on Github


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Square Neighborhood Algorithm: Balancing Exploration And Exploitation In Optimization

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